
Year 11 Physics Course

The Accelerate difference 🚀

Capped at 6 students so we can focus on you 🫵

We believe that effective education should be personal. In class, we ask questions to students and provide personalised feedback to students' practice question responses (formative feedback).

We run our lessons in-person (North Kellyville) and online, depending on your preference.
2 hour lessons – we make sure we don't waste time
Our tutors do more than just teach by offering mentorship beyond academics

Industry leading lesson materials 📖

All lesson materials consist of a theory component, practice questions and mini-mocks. Lesson materials are designed with proven pedagogical methods in mind.

> Click to learn more about our lesson materials.
Theory is delivered in an ‘assisted note taking’ format
Integrated practice questions utilise the 'Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique'
Mini-mocks allow students to consolidate their knowledge and increase exposure to exam style questions and mark allocation

Ask questions outside of class anywhere, anytime 🙋

Direct message your tutor on Discord anytime outside of class.
Struggling with depth studies and practical tasks as well? We also offer take-home assessment task support.
Depth study and practical exam support
Homework help
Exam preparation and end of course revision workshops

Never miss a lesson and revisit a topic anytime 📹

We upload all of our lesson materials and lesson recordings to Canvas.

Employing proven education
research 🧪

The hallmarks of good instructional design is an increase in germane (productive) cognitive load and decrease unnecessary extraneous cognitive load (the way tasks are presented to a learner) to enhance transfer of learnings and solidify working memory (Plass et al., 2010). We achieve this through our example-based learning and the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique.

Exams at the end of each term aims to encourage active retrieval, provides students with feedback to develop formative studying strategies, and helps students recognise gaps in their knowledge (Zhang et al., 2020).  
Good instructional design extends to our lesson booklets and presentations
Intentional exam preparation

Course Schedule

Module 1: Kinematics

> Week 1: Rectilinear Motion
> Week 2: Motion Graphs
> Week 3: 2D Vectors 1
> Week 4: 2D Vectors 2
> Week 5: Forces (Module 2)
> Week 6: Module 1 Exam

Module 2: Dynamics

> Week 1: Equilibrium
> Week 2: Friction
> Week 3: Work & Energy
> Week 4: Momentum 1
> Week 5: Momentum 2
> Week 6: Module 2 Exam

Module 3: Waves
& Thermodynamics

> Week 1: Wave Properties
> Week 2: Wave Behaviours
> Week 3: Sound Waves
> Week 4: Light Waves
> Week 5: Thermodynamics
> Week 6: Module 3 Exam

Module 4: Electricity
& Magnetism

> Week 1: Charged Particles
> Week 2: Ohm's Law
> Week 3: Circuits 1
> Week 4: Circuits 2
> Week 5: Magnetism
> Week 6: Module 4 Exam
> Week 7: Preliminary Preparation Exam


$720/6-lesson Accelerate term

4 Accelerate terms in Year 11
No enrolment fees
Late enrolments are encouraged and charged at a prorated rate
2-week grace period (trial)


> 2 hour class, 6 weeks per Year 11 term
> Lesson recording and digital booklet access
> Lesson booklets with homework and solutions
> End of module exam marked by teacher and review
> Personalised support, class cap at 6
> Discord server where you can ask questions 24/7

Enrol or request a school-specific class

Try us obligation free for two weeks. Only pay for the term (including the two week trial) if you choose to continue.

Fill the form or Send us an email

📞         Phone
📧         Email
🏠     Address

We'll get back to you :)

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